
               author = "Kane, Rajaram Purushotam",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Interannual variability of global radiation at wageningen",
              journal = "International Journal of Climatology",
                 year = "1997",
               volume = "17",
                pages = "1487--1493",
             keywords = "The Netherlands, Wageningen, global radiation, spectra, 
             abstract = "A spectral analysis of the 12-monthly running means of the global 
                         radiation ratio Krobserved at Wageningen (52N, 6E) showed 
                         signi®cant QBO, QTO (Quasi-biennial and Quasi-triennial 
                         Oscillations) and higher periodicities, with the strongest peak at 
                         ca.22 years but none at the solar cycle (11 years). All these are 
                         probably due to similar periodicities in cloudiness.",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "Kane-1997-International_Journal_of_Climatology.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "2025, Jan. 22"
