%0 Journal Article
%4 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2017/
%2 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2017/
%T Interannual variability of global radiation at wageningen
%D 1997
%9 journal article
%A Kane, Rajaram Purushotam,
%@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%B International Journal of Climatology
%V 17
%P 1487-1493
%K The Netherlands, Wageningen, global radiation, spectra, oscillations.
%X A spectral analysis of the 12-monthly running means of the global radiation ratio Krobserved at Wageningen (52N, 6E) showed signi®cant QBO, QTO (Quasi-biennial and Quasi-triennial Oscillations) and higher periodicities, with the strongest peak at ca.22 years but none at the solar cycle (11 years). All these are probably due to similar periodicities in cloudiness.
%@language en
%3 Kane-1997-International_Journal_of_Climatology.pdf