%0 Conference Proceedings %@nexthigherunit 8JMKD3MGPCW/3EUPEJL %@holdercode {isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S} %B International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 14. %X Short term thunderstorm forecast in the Maceio airport, using thermodynamics methods, are the principal study goal. Thunderstorm frequencies were studied with the data from TRMM satellite and meteorological station for period of 12 years (1998 - 2009). Thunderstorms were detected more frequently during summer months, with the highest occurrence in March. Thunderstorm frequencies were three times higher in 2007 and 2008. Only 20% of all thunderstorms were registered during El Nino years and 80% of them were during La Niña and normal years. In the most part of events thunderstorms were associated with Brazilian Northeast Jet Streams (at the 200-100hPa). Forecasts of the vertical temperature and humidity profiles were elaborated with 12, 24, 36 and 48h antecedence. Forecasted temperature and humidity were obtained by the air parcels trajectories of the HYSPLIT model at the 10 levels. Forecasted dew point temperature profiles were similar to the real profiles up to 24h antecedence. Temperature profiles were forecasted better, up to 48h antecedence. Instabilities thermodynamics indices K and TT did not show satisfactory results for thunderstorms forecast. On the other hand LI index and CAPE+ were better for the thunderstorm formation prediction with 48h antecedence. As an example, thunderstorm forecasts of all nine events during 2009 were described in details. %T Thunderstorms in Maceió airport, Alagoas state in Brazilian Northeast %@electronicmailaddress %@electronicmailaddress %@electronicmailaddress %@electronicmailaddress bruno.miranda@cptec.inpe.br %@format DVD %@tertiarytype Paper %@secondarytype PRE CI %K Thunderstorms, Maceio, AL. %8 08-12 Aug %@usergroup lattes secretaria.cpa@dir.inpe.br %@group %@group %@group %@group CPT-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR %@e-mailaddress bruno.miranda@cptec.inpe.br %3 Levit_Thunderstorms.pdf %F lattes: 5653682786253033 4 LevitFedoSilvBrit:2011:ThMaAi %U http://XIV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity %2 dpi.inpe.br/plutao/2011/ %@affiliation Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas %@affiliation Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas %@affiliation Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas %@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) %@versiontype publisher %4 dpi.inpe.br/plutao/2011/ %@documentstage not transferred %D 2011 %S Proceedings %A Levit, Vladimir, %A Fedorova, Natalia, %A Cordeiro, Edwans Silva, %A Brito, Bruno Miranda de, %C Rio de Janeiro %@area MET