%0 Book Section %3 rampelotto_exobioloy.pdf %4 dpi.inpe.br/plutao@80/2010/ %A Rampelotto, Pabulo Henrique, %A Rosa, M. B., %A Schuch, N. J., %A Schuch, A. P., %A Pinheiro, D. K., %A Munakata, N., %@secondarytype PRE LI %B Bioastronomy 2007: Molecules, Microbes and Extraterrestrial Life %D 2009 %E Meech, K. J., %E Keane, J. V., %E Mumma, M. J., %E Siefert, J. L., %E Werthimer, D. J, %F lattes: 7587782749055147 1 RampelottoRoScScPiMu:2010:SpDoUV %@secondarykey INPE--/ %K x. %P 247-252 %T Exobiology at Southern Brazil: Spore Dosimetry and the UV Solar Radiation %V 420 %X he ultraviolet UV is considered the range of solar radiation most immediately lethal to the life organisms on the Earths surface. In this context, since 2000, the monitoring of the biologically-effective solar radiation using spore dosimeter at the Southern Space Observatory (29.4° S, 53.8° W), South of Brazil, has been performed. The biological dosimeter is based in the spore inactivation doses of Bacillus subtilis strain TKJ6312, who is sensitive to the UV solar radiation. Monthly expositions of biological dosimeter have been compared with solar irradiance obtained by Brewer spectrophotometer. Correlations indices about r > 0.86 shows the potential applicability of the biosensor in the monitoring of biologically-effective solar radiation. Since spores are stabile microorganisms, considering extreme environment variations, the biosensor may be used for studies of the effects of the solar radiation in others planetary environments for future work. %@area CEA %@electronicmailaddress pabulo@lacesm.ufsm.br %@e-mailaddress pabulo@lacesm.ufsm.br %@documentstage not transferred %@group CRS-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR %@isbn 978-1-58381-720-9 %@isbn 978-1-58381-721-6 %@usergroup lattes %@usergroup lattes %@usergroup administrator %@usergroup marciana %@nexthigherunit 8JMKD3MGPCW/3EUFCFP %@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) %@versiontype publisher %@holdercode {isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S} %2 dpi.inpe.br/plutao@80/2010/